Degree or College: Which One Matters More?

The choice was fairly simple only a couple of decades back. As a student of today, you will often find the adults around you suggesting that the college you go to is highly important. In fact, during their time, the path was as straightforward as it could get where admission into a top college was a sure gateway to the elite jobs of the market. But times have changed now, as you very well know. There are a lot more options in jobs, degrees, colleges, and more. Today, as a student who is just clearing your 12th boards, you cannot name a single path and term it right. Today, you need to think more and explore more.

The argument for colleges

Let’s start with the more understandable side of this debate. College still matters! Although the prominence of the college brand name has reduced, no one can deny the effect a top college can have on your career right after you pass out from the top CBSE school in Greater Noida. Two back to back elite educational institutions will elevate your value in the market and companies will rally behind you to hire you. No country in the world has completely moved on from valuing the worth of school’s and college’s name. In India, at least, where education still garners a lot of respect, the college you join will matter more than the degree you procure. Compare IITs with the local college in your area.

Plus, elite colleges rise to elite positions for a reason. Their instructional depth, resources available, alumni network, and faculty knowledge is far ahead in the curve than any random name. What you learn is solid. The skills you master is unique. And naturally, top companies look at students only from the cream colleges while hiring on campus. An elite college is still a haven for secure jobs. You learn to join the corporate workforce or get to create the perfect foundation for future research.

The argument for degrees

On the other side, there are successful names in the world who have made it to the top posts without attending famous colleges or any college at all. This where the argument for degrees holds currently. In a famous 2002 study, economists Dale and Krueger revealed that two students, one going to an elite college and the other to a standard college, is likely to earn the same amount professionally over their lifetime. They suggested the students’ hunger to improve their skills and knowledge mattered more later on than the college they passed out from. Down the lane, you will find that companies will rarely ask which college you went to. They will become increasingly interested in your job experience and expertise.

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