Common Classroom Problems and How to Deal with Them

Even in the top ten schools in Greater Noida, a few classroom challenges continue to exist. The issues and their reactions may vary from school to school, but the underlying theme remains constant. Teachers face problems with almost every batch and they evolve with the changing times. But problems do not make classrooms ineffective in the top schools. The premier institutes identify the presence of these issues and lay out strategies to deal with them. It is the solution that matters – the tactics directed to remove the bottlenecks and the expertise with which teachers combat the common classroom problems. Here is a list of the same along with the associated answers that most good schools have.

A batch of students with different abilities

Most classrooms are designed to include students of all abilities. That brings intellectual diversity which helps to propel the average children towards excellence by getting inspired by the performers. This structure possesses a challenge to teachers in almost every batch where the lessons have to be prepared to cater to all needs. This is where educators employ strategies like peer-to-peer learning, group projects and discussions, displaying the best essay or oral question and answer sessions. Plus, teachers also teach from both sides. They touch the basics and discuss the complex topics. It is their responsibility to educate all.

Loss of engagement frequently

The top schools in Noida Extension employ a variety of teaching tactics to keep engagement levels high continuously. Young children, especially, easily lose their interest in something if it gets monotonous. The rate is flatter with senior students but boredom is a common human emotion. If the flow of the classroom plateaus, students will lose motivation to pay attention to what is being said and their minds will wander around. With the help of technology and application-based learning, expert educators strive to maintain engagement. They also teach through activities and excursions. Gamification is another area that modern teachers are exploring, closely enabled by the educational technology currently available.

Personalise lessons shifting from macro-teaching

A typical classroom today has 30 odd students. Personalised education means that the teacher has to tend to the personal needs of all those 30 individual students. While the call for the educational strategy is sensible, implementing it in the real classroom is quite a challenge. To initiate things, teachers segregate students with common interests. They then pick out one student at a time to work with their individual interests. And this process is ongoing that happens throughout the academic year and through advancing grades where the instructors continue to work with the students to fulfil their personal learning needs. Good schools will always claim that personalised learning is a continuous process.

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