Top schools in Noida Extension

BGS Vijnatham School, being amongst the Top schools in Noida Extension believes in both individualisation and personalisation. The school acknowledges that differentiation is no longer an option in classrooms as the progress of education is truly hinged upon the concept. Through its expert teachers, BGS effectively applies personalised and individualised learning techniques to meet theContinue reading “Top schools in Noida Extension”

Should Struggling Students Repeat a Class? Does it Really Help?

Failure to achieve a certain percentage in standardised exams have long been connected with inadequate educational development. In other words, if a student failed to secure 35% marks (say) in quite a few exams, he/she is deemed unfit to advance into the next class as the student’s current knowledge base is not adequate to learnContinue reading “Should Struggling Students Repeat a Class? Does it Really Help?”

Should Struggling Students Repeat a Class? Does it Really Help?

Failure to achieve a certain percentage in standardised exams have long been connected with inadequate educational development. In other words, if a student failed to secure 35% marks (say) in quite a few exams, he/she is deemed unfit to advance into the next class as the student’s current knowledge base is not adequate to learnContinue reading “Should Struggling Students Repeat a Class? Does it Really Help?”

How to Teach Critical Thinking in Classrooms

Almost all best schools in Greater Noida West agree that critical thinking is an essential skill that their students need to learn. It is also pegged as one of the crucial abilities to have in the 21st-century. However, acknowledging the need to teach the same is very different from actually teaching it as proper research still doesContinue reading “How to Teach Critical Thinking in Classrooms”

Common Classroom Problems and How to Deal with Them

Even in the top ten schools in Greater Noida, a few classroom challenges continue to exist. The issues and their reactions may vary from school to school, but the underlying theme remains constant. Teachers face problems with almost every batch and they evolve with the changing times. But problems do not make classrooms ineffective inContinue reading “Common Classroom Problems and How to Deal with Them”

Degree or College: Which One Matters More?

The choice was fairly simple only a couple of decades back. As a student of today, you will often find the adults around you suggesting that the college you go to is highly important. In fact, during their time, the path was as straightforward as it could get where admission into a top college wasContinue reading “Degree or College: Which One Matters More?”

The Influence of Arts in Early Education

The dynamic idea of the world is apparent. The significance of science and arithmetic in instruction is promptly comprehended. Normally, instructive establishments are moving their emphasis on the specialized side of things to empower understudies to adapt to the quick paced nature of the economy around and become privy with the advances that will eventuallyContinue reading “The Influence of Arts in Early Education”

5 Skills that Houses in Schools Promote

The house idea in schools is the same old thing. Ground breaking schools have been isolating their understudies into different houses or gatherings to all the more likely deal with the understudy volume and advance different focused exercises inside the premises. In any case, where the top 10 schools in Noida Extension stand apart isContinue reading “5 Skills that Houses in Schools Promote”

How Inquiry-Based Learning Leads to Better Engagement?

The basic worry of each instructor and parent the same is that the understudy will endure the whole length of a class and still not take in anything generous from the talk. Normally, the time spent in the study hall is an absolute waste for every included part and a definitive objective of training willContinue reading “How Inquiry-Based Learning Leads to Better Engagement?”

School’s Infrastructure and Its Importance Towards Education

Our society has already evolved beyond the point where we could call any room filled with desks and equipped with a blackboard a classroom. Our demands for our children have gone beyond the point where mere textbook knowledge was sufficient to survive and thrive in their future. Time and again, it has been proven byContinue reading “School’s Infrastructure and Its Importance Towards Education”

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