Top schools in Noida Extension

BGS Vijnatham School, being amongst the Top schools in Noida Extension believes in both individualisation and personalisation. The school acknowledges that differentiation is no longer an option in classrooms as the progress of education is truly hinged upon the concept. Through its expert teachers, BGS effectively applies personalised and individualised learning techniques to meet the needs of all students and creates knowledge in the pyramidal structure, one upon the other. Modern science has shown us that no two students are the same. They have unique learning needs, unique patterns to educate themselves. Both personalisation and individualisation tend to work on those lines and thus their necessity in contemporary education.

Phone : +91-9999096820, +91- 9999096870, +91-7510008686
Address : BGS VIJNATHAM SCHOOL Plot No.2, Tech Zone VII Greater Noida (West)- 203207

Should Struggling Students Repeat a Class? Does it Really Help?

Failure to achieve a certain percentage in standardised exams have long been connected with inadequate educational development. In other words, if a student failed to secure 35% marks (say) in quite a few exams, he/she is deemed unfit to advance into the next class as the student’s current knowledge base is not adequate to learn the complex topics of the next grade. The obvious action is to make the student repeat the previous class. Relearn the previous topics, rework the assignments and try again next year to secure a passing grade. This method of helping struggling students is quite prevalent in the Indian education system. But when the Western system is slowly doing away with failing school students, the legitimacy of the process has to be questioned. Should we continue to make students repeat classes? Does it help?

At times, repeating a class makes sense

When the best schools in Noida Extension still follow the system of failing students, it must mean that they have their good reasons. It is, in fact, irrefutable that a student who struggled to learn the topics of one class and failed to secure the passing grade, as a result, will struggle even further in the next class. Here, repeating naturally makes sense. If the schools feel that relearning can help the student to catch up and the motive is to give him/her more time to learn at his/her own pace, staying back in a class will do good to the student.

Plus, repeating a class also makes sense during the following circumstances.

  • The student missed school for a long time owing to some sickness or family trouble.
  • The student suffers from some developmental or learning disability and hence takes more time than normal to catch up.
  • Or, the student is too young for the current class and struggling to comprehend the topics.

The initial call to make the student repeat a class is naturally taken by the teachers. They are always best placed to judge the child’s academic advancement. If the reason is justified, if it can help to progress education, in the long run, repeating a class is necessary.

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Should Struggling Students Repeat a Class? Does it Really Help?

Failure to achieve a certain percentage in standardised exams have long been connected with inadequate educational development. In other words, if a student failed to secure 35% marks (say) in quite a few exams, he/she is deemed unfit to advance into the next class as the student’s current knowledge base is not adequate to learn the complex topics of the next grade. The obvious action is to make the student repeat the previous class. Relearn the previous topics, rework the assignments and try again next year to secure a passing grade. This method of helping struggling students is quite prevalent in the Indian education system. But when the Western system is slowly doing away with failing school students, the legitimacy of the process has to be questioned. Should we continue to make students repeat classes? Does it help?

At times, repeating a class makes sense

When the best schools in Noida Extension still follow the system of failing students, it must mean that they have their good reasons. It is, in fact, irrefutable that a student who struggled to learn the topics of one class and failed to secure the passing grade, as a result, will struggle even further in the next class. Here, repeating naturally makes sense. If the schools feel that relearning can help the student to catch up and the motive is to give him/her more time to learn at his/her own pace, staying back in a class will do good to the student.

Plus, repeating a class also makes sense during the following circumstances.

  • The student missed school for a long time owing to some sickness or family trouble.
  • The student suffers from some developmental or learning disability and hence takes more time than normal to catch up.
  • Or, the student is too young for the current class and struggling to comprehend the topics.

The initial call to make the student repeat a class is naturally taken by the teachers. They are always best placed to judge the child’s academic advancement. If the reason is justified, if it can help to progress education, in the long run, repeating a class is necessary.

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How to Teach Critical Thinking in Classrooms

Almost all best schools in Greater Noida West agree that critical thinking is an essential skill that their students need to learn. It is also pegged as one of the crucial abilities to have in the 21st-century. However, acknowledging the need to teach the same is very different from actually teaching it as proper research still does not state clearly as to how students are supposed to learn critical thinking along with their standard lessons. Even today, the onus is thus on the teachers to find their own methodology to hand over the skill to the students and assess progress by some tactic. There is still no one way to teach critical thinking, neither test whether students have formed the ability or not.

The suggested way to teach critical thinking

Even in all the obscureness, some clarity is available. Education researchers have come up with a few proven ways in which schools can teach critical thinking in their classrooms. This involves considering a particular scenario from real-life, a theory from the textbook or a passage from an online resource and ensuing a meaningful discussion on the same. The flow of the conversation can be in the following order:

  • What is the obvious interpretation of the information that was just handed out?
  • Is there an alternative interpretation that the class can come up with?
  • What are the problems with different interpretations that the class just projected?
  • Can the interpretations change when the students discuss in groups rather than brainstorming individually?
  • Is there a common interpretation that the whole class can agree to? If not, are the differences acceptable?
  • How additional information can change the interpretations?
  • What is the ultimate conclusion? Was it impartial and diverse?

As obvious, the above flow has the potential of creating a thinking process that is critical. Students will be required to analyse the scenario, come to a decision, analyse the decision further by considering multiple perspectives and question their own conclusions. Conducted strategically with proper supervision, teachers can use this strategy to infuse the skill of critical thinking. In fact, the best school in Noida Extension 2020 does pick up relevant topics from time to time to indulge its students in debates and discussions where the point is not to accept the available information at face value but critically analyse the same before believing.

Other approaches

Implementation of the above method is possible among upper-middle or senior students. But when students are still young and supposed to accept education in the way it is presented, critical thinking cannot be infused in the prescribed way. So, does the best preschool in Greater Noida not teach critical thinking? Should schools merely wait for the time to be right and then just introduce the lesson? Like any other skill, building critical thinking is also a gradual process. Preschoolers are capable of analysis and the lessons must start then.

One way to teach critical thinking to young students is by encouraging them to ask questions. Curiosity is not only the driver of knowledge but also of analysis. When students are allowed to place their inquiries and the teachers take their time to answer them, that in itself has the potential of planting the seed of critical thinking. Students understand that the information they are given might not be absolute and their queries are legitimate as they are entertained. Thinking critically is acceptable.

Another way is to infuse application in everyday classrooms. With models and examples from the real-world, the how of the lesson in hand can be addressed. Plus, kinesthetic learning can also instigate curiosity and questions and allow teachers to take education to a more personal level. Application-based learning can lead to critical thinking with the help of group discussions, simplistic analysis of the lesson and understanding the importance and purpose of education, concurrently questioning them alongside.

Then there are methods of asking students to come up with an answer that is not in the textbook, interconnect ideas from different subjects, involve creativity in STEM subjects and brainstorm topics for new projects. In schools like the BGS Vijnatham, the work starts early. And just like any other lesson, the progress of critical thinking gradually becomes complex. BGS, also, has no one way of teaching critical thinking. The teachers continuously judge the needs of the class and modify lessons according to the requirements. Teaching critical thinking is a mix of questions, analysis, brainstorming and more. The process is continuous and endless. The skill should be a priority in every school as the 21st-century is an era where the critical mind will have the best chances of survival and finding success.

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Common Classroom Problems and How to Deal with Them

Even in the top ten schools in Greater Noida, a few classroom challenges continue to exist. The issues and their reactions may vary from school to school, but the underlying theme remains constant. Teachers face problems with almost every batch and they evolve with the changing times. But problems do not make classrooms ineffective in the top schools. The premier institutes identify the presence of these issues and lay out strategies to deal with them. It is the solution that matters – the tactics directed to remove the bottlenecks and the expertise with which teachers combat the common classroom problems. Here is a list of the same along with the associated answers that most good schools have.

A batch of students with different abilities

Most classrooms are designed to include students of all abilities. That brings intellectual diversity which helps to propel the average children towards excellence by getting inspired by the performers. This structure possesses a challenge to teachers in almost every batch where the lessons have to be prepared to cater to all needs. This is where educators employ strategies like peer-to-peer learning, group projects and discussions, displaying the best essay or oral question and answer sessions. Plus, teachers also teach from both sides. They touch the basics and discuss the complex topics. It is their responsibility to educate all.

Loss of engagement frequently

The top schools in Noida Extension employ a variety of teaching tactics to keep engagement levels high continuously. Young children, especially, easily lose their interest in something if it gets monotonous. The rate is flatter with senior students but boredom is a common human emotion. If the flow of the classroom plateaus, students will lose motivation to pay attention to what is being said and their minds will wander around. With the help of technology and application-based learning, expert educators strive to maintain engagement. They also teach through activities and excursions. Gamification is another area that modern teachers are exploring, closely enabled by the educational technology currently available.

Personalise lessons shifting from macro-teaching

A typical classroom today has 30 odd students. Personalised education means that the teacher has to tend to the personal needs of all those 30 individual students. While the call for the educational strategy is sensible, implementing it in the real classroom is quite a challenge. To initiate things, teachers segregate students with common interests. They then pick out one student at a time to work with their individual interests. And this process is ongoing that happens throughout the academic year and through advancing grades where the instructors continue to work with the students to fulfil their personal learning needs. Good schools will always claim that personalised learning is a continuous process.

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Degree or College: Which One Matters More?

The choice was fairly simple only a couple of decades back. As a student of today, you will often find the adults around you suggesting that the college you go to is highly important. In fact, during their time, the path was as straightforward as it could get where admission into a top college was a sure gateway to the elite jobs of the market. But times have changed now, as you very well know. There are a lot more options in jobs, degrees, colleges, and more. Today, as a student who is just clearing your 12th boards, you cannot name a single path and term it right. Today, you need to think more and explore more.

The argument for colleges

Let’s start with the more understandable side of this debate. College still matters! Although the prominence of the college brand name has reduced, no one can deny the effect a top college can have on your career right after you pass out from the top CBSE school in Greater Noida. Two back to back elite educational institutions will elevate your value in the market and companies will rally behind you to hire you. No country in the world has completely moved on from valuing the worth of school’s and college’s name. In India, at least, where education still garners a lot of respect, the college you join will matter more than the degree you procure. Compare IITs with the local college in your area.

Plus, elite colleges rise to elite positions for a reason. Their instructional depth, resources available, alumni network, and faculty knowledge is far ahead in the curve than any random name. What you learn is solid. The skills you master is unique. And naturally, top companies look at students only from the cream colleges while hiring on campus. An elite college is still a haven for secure jobs. You learn to join the corporate workforce or get to create the perfect foundation for future research.

The argument for degrees

On the other side, there are successful names in the world who have made it to the top posts without attending famous colleges or any college at all. This where the argument for degrees holds currently. In a famous 2002 study, economists Dale and Krueger revealed that two students, one going to an elite college and the other to a standard college, is likely to earn the same amount professionally over their lifetime. They suggested the students’ hunger to improve their skills and knowledge mattered more later on than the college they passed out from. Down the lane, you will find that companies will rarely ask which college you went to. They will become increasingly interested in your job experience and expertise.

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The Influence of Arts in Early Education

The dynamic idea of the world is apparent. The significance of science and arithmetic in instruction is promptly comprehended. Normally, instructive establishments are moving their emphasis on the specialized side of things to empower understudies to adapt to the quick paced nature of the economy around and become privy with the advances that will eventually be assuming a monstrous job later on society. However, studies far and wide have indicated that nations that attention similarly on craftsmanship training have understudies who are better entertainers in science and arithmetic. Expressions don’t reduce the need given to STEM instruction yet rather supplements it.

Henceforth, the best preschool in Greater Noida presents expressions since the beginning. Also, its assets are made accessible to understudies everything being equal. The impact of expressions in early instruction is evident. It upgrades both physical and mental improvement among kids alongside preparing their brains for the multifaceted nature of future scholastics. Regardless of what direction the world is going, expressions can’t lose its pertinence. It must remain in schools and that as well, from the nursery level.

Expressions straightforwardly sway kids’ engine advancement

Engine abilities resemble the fine print of kids’ general apprehensive advancement. They require visit tuning and practice to accomplish a specific degree of dominance. From holding a pen appropriately to keeping up one’s equalization while standing, it is the engine zone of the human sensory system that empowers kids to push forward with their day by day exercises. Expressions influence this physical formative perspective legitimately. When developing youthful understudies routinely take part in performing expressions, they get a considerable amount of training. For example, painting with a brush and colored pencils deals with their better engine improvement while moving and acting encourages them to ace their gross engine abilities.

It extends their innovative force

When most repeating employments will be taken up by PCs, inventiveness and creative mind will ascend as the superpower of individuals that the machines can’t imitate. Despite the fact that the lexical meaning of innovativeness is expressions driven, its genuine limits are obscured. Another approach to move toward a day by day issue can just originate from an inventive personality. Another business procedure has its foundations in creative mind. These abilities are not intrinsic. They can be educated. What’s more, when the exercises start early, understudies grow up to get bound for progress. This is the motivation behind why the Best CBSE Schools in Greater Noida West centers around expressions intensely during the beginning periods. Innovative and creative personalities are not conceived in a day.

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5 Skills that Houses in Schools Promote

The house idea in schools is the same old thing. Ground breaking schools have been isolating their understudies into different houses or gatherings to all the more likely deal with the understudy volume and advance different focused exercises inside the premises. In any case, where the top 10 schools in Noida Extension stand apart is on the degree of significance that they pay to their home framework. Such schools not just keep up the house structure to add the component of amusing to training yet really create abilities that understudies will require going ahead in the 21st century. Here is a rundown of the best 5 abilities that understudies learn while being a piece of houses and taking an interest in the related exercises. None of these aptitudes can develop to their ideal cutoff points if schools don’t organize their home structure.

Cooperating as a group

Or on the other hand joint effort in single word. In a general public that is pushing ahead at an exponential rate, understudies should work in a gathering and capacity as a group. Be it in their own lives or expert vocations, joint effort aptitudes are what that will lead them down the way of progress. Collaboration implies helping one another, looking for help at whatever point vital, relinquishing one’s personality for more prominent’s benefit, and having your impact well to serve the gathering. These aptitudes create when understudies feel that belongingness to a house. They naturally figure out how to fill in as a group.


Each house in school will have a pioneer and that as well, at various levels. Somebody is designated as the house head at the essential, center school, and senior stage. Along these lines, understudies start taking in administrations ability since early on that just develops after some time and gets unmistakable. Besides, whoever isn’t picked as the pioneer can either gain from the selected house in-control or help that understudy in the authority work. Learning by observing likewise occurs here where understudies get administration aptitudes by working intimately with a companion or working as the agent.

Aggressive soul

The best schools in Greater Noida West flood the understudies with various aggressive exercises where the houses are pitched against each other. It very well may be sports, science shows, open talking challenges, or a move rivalry. Such occasions spike sound challenge among understudies who become goal-oriented seeing each other perform and win. What’s more, this prompts a superior benchmark-setting where the understudies feel constrained to work more earnestly so as to outperform the other house and carry greatness to their own. Sound challenge is an incredible wellspring of inspiration and great schools get that component precisely.

Time the board

Being a piece of a house doesn’t only include sporadic investment in a couple of exercises. Filling in as a group is ordinary work that requests both time and exertion similarly from all understudies. Be it the pioneer who is sorting out a gathering or the gathering part who needs to go to it, everybody as to be required to take the house advance and at last win. And these, understudies should do pair with keeping up their scholastic execution and school assignments and here come the abilities of time the board. When placed into such an educational plan, understudies will be constrained to oversee both. With appropriate direction and self-assurance, they get familiar with this essential ability of keeping up balance on all sides.

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How Inquiry-Based Learning Leads to Better Engagement?

The basic worry of each instructor and parent the same is that the understudy will endure the whole length of a class and still not take in anything generous from the talk. Normally, the time spent in the study hall is an absolute waste for every included part and a definitive objective of training will never be accomplished. Understudy commitment in homerooms has in this manner been a broadly investigated point. Specialists have over and over studied understudies to get their input on address based educating when contrasted with the recently proposed learning techniques. Of them, request based learning has gotten the best reaction from understudies as the basic brain research at play gives this strategy the correct establishment for better learning. 
As apparent from the name, request based learning is regularly the learning technique that pursues an inquiry answer position. Rather than just showing the data, the educator hopes to talk about the subject as a response to a particular inquiry. The Schools Near Noida Extension will pursue this methodology as it gets rid of the conventional one-directional control of training and understudies get a chance to take part in the class. Request based learning must frame an essential piece of a school’s teaching method as the reasons supporting this announcement are really unquestionable. 
Request based learning makes the need to know 
Individuals are wired to assimilate just that data which they feel are basic for endurance. Different themes are effectively unimportant by our brains and we only from time to time focus on things we are not inquisitive about. Training to youngsters can act as indicated by a similar standard as understudies will just focus on subjects that they believe they “have to know” and basically disregard others that don’t spike their interest. To break this common wiring, interest must go before data and that is actually what request based realizing targets. 
At the point when the instructor puts an inquiry to the class, the understudies are constrained to conceptualize about it. As they feel to discover the appropriate response in their recollections, interest stems in their psyches. The “need to know” is subsequently made and understudies start looking for the appropriate response. This is the correct minute to display the data. They will effectively retain the theme as they currently feel that the data is fundamental and store it in their memory. 
It makes stream in training 
A separated understudy will feel exhausted in the study hall. He/she will think that its hard to coordinate his/her thoughtfulness regarding what the instructor is stating and soon enough, surrender to interruptions that are far simpler to concentrate on. This is normal to any person who needs to apply exertion to focus as the procedure is depleting for the psyche. Be that as it may, when this equivalent individual is given an inquiry, the brain participates in the present occurring and the exertion required to focus reduces. Stream is consequently made and the individual feels locked in. 
The best preschool in Greater Noida West makes commitment through request put together learning based with respect to this equivalent guideline. Small kids are effectively diverted as they don’t have any power over their capacity to focus. By always captivating them with questions, the educators can effectively keep their psyches on the current point and instruct at a persistent stream. Repetitiveness vanishes from study halls with request based learning. 

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School’s Infrastructure and Its Importance Towards Education

Our society has already evolved beyond the point where we could call any room filled with desks and equipped with a blackboard a classroom. Our demands for our children have gone beyond the point where mere textbook knowledge was sufficient to survive and thrive in their future. Time and again, it has been proven by numerous surveyors and researchers that a school’s infrastructure has a direct relationship with a student’s education and the former has the potential to act as a catalyst towards the latter. When educated in the perfect environment, a student finds success naturally and minimum external force is needed to guide the child down the path of academics.

This post picks up a few essential infrastructures that the top ten school in Greater Noida and discusses their relevance in their students’ educational life. Privy yourself here about the necessities of each and avoid settling for anything less in your child’s school.

  1. Infirmary

What is your primary instinct as a parent when it comes to your child’s health? To have an expert doctor or nurse on call, keep all the necessary first-aid equipment ready, and extend the utmost care and compassion to your ailing child should the unforeseen happen. This way, the child feels protected and wants to stay in your vicinity. He/she will also be willing to take risks and go beyond her capabilities to try out a new sport move and push boundaries. With an in-house infirmary, schools can replicate this parental protection at their own campus. And you also get the peace of mind that in your absence your child’s health will be taken care of.

  1. Security

No human being can thrive in an unsafe environment. Let alone education, if a child does not feel physically and emotionally safe at his/her school, he/she cannot even continue with her basic needs like eating or interacting with peers. Thus, having a top-notch security infrastructure is primary for all schools keeping children safe both from threats of the real world and the digital domain. Modern technology must blend with manual expertise here and the students must remain under constant surveillance.

  1. Library

Ever wondered why the top schools and colleges always have the best of libraries? It is because when confined merely to the lessons of textbooks, students tend to become academically sound. But when learning has the scope to go beyond, that is when the instructions transform into education. A rich library is always a source of abundance knowledge. And it acts to stimulate a student’s mind to become curious and explore beyond set limitations. The top 5 school in Greater Noida will always have a massive library. Where students can venture out and feed their interests.

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